Do you need a transcript?
Please visit
- You can order your graduation certificates and transcripts online using the above Student transcript service for $10 each, the first transcript is free
- You will be able to authorize most local post secondary schools to access your transcript
- Orders are processed in 2-6 business days, then sent electronically or mailed using Canada Post standard letter mail service
- You will need to create a BCeID account, which requires your Personal Education Number (PEN). This can be found on an old report card, or by contacting your school.
If you do not have your PEN number, you can request it by submitting this form to the Ministry of Education: PEN Request form
Don’t see your mark on your transcript?
- It may take a few days for your teacher to complete marking and update your completed status
- Completed marks are sent to the Ministry of Education weekly from mid-October until the end of June
- If you need a completed course for post-secondary by September, you need to complete the course by the end of June
- August marks for students completing grade 12 and older are sent to the Ministry of Education manually, this process may take a few weeks for the transcript to be updated
- Students returning to school in September will see their marks updated in October
If you are still missing a mark contact student records at (604)952-5328