Teacher Report Card Instructions

Prior to mark entry window the MyEd lists should be checked for accuracy according to Active list on SMS2.

As we approach mark entry windows it is best to hold off on activations so your list remains accurate unless grade required by student – contact admin to get this done

Also using the completion report within 7 days of mark entry is not needed as you can just include completions on mark entry report list

Interm Reporting

1 – send progress report to all students with messaging sent via teams/Access Weekly

2- input marks in Q1 column (no work habit needed)

3 – input Comment into Q1 comment using % completed thus far

4- input any completed marks in FM column with a completed comment

5 – POST GRADES, overwrite past grade is message pops up, no need to include withdrawn students if the message pops up

6- Print out a MyEd grade verification reportĀ  video

7 – Fill out Mark Entry Completion report with any completions (FM) not previously reported or processed on SMS2 and attach MyEd report

Final Reporting in August (of June for school cohorts) to close a course

Steps 1, 4-6 above.

in addition download a D2L grade export (IMPORTANT TO INCLUDE SUSPENDED STUDENTS) – video

Fill out Mark Entry Completion reportCompletion lists are not needed as I will go off MyEd report along with the D2L grade export for this final window,