Family Studies 12
Family Studies 12 expands upon the topic areas treated in Family Studies 11 Students analyse family trends in Canada to identify social and global issues that may affect their families; learn to identify family support resources and to develop strategies to cope with crisis situations; describe changes and evaluate factors that affect human growth and development; explore care-giving opportunities; study various types of relationships experienced throughout life; and examine how consumer decisions affect family and society.
Foods and Nutrition 11
The aim of the Foods and Nutrition 8 to 12 curriculum is to provide opportunities for students to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that have immediate and future applications in their personal and family lives, as well as in local and global environments, including understanding the principles of healthy eating to plan and create nutritious foods for individuals, groups, and family members; increasing knowledge of the nutritional, social, and economic factors that affect food selection and preparation; practising and thinking critically about principles and techniques related to acquisition, production, and consumption of foods.
PE 10
PE 10 focuses on the skills and knowledge acquired in PE 9, and requires students to complete both theory and physical activity components. Examples of topics studied include active living, fair play, leadership, and safety. Students must complete a minimum of 100 hours of physical activity, supervised by a coach, trainer, instructor, or teacher-sponsor.
PE 11
PE 11 focuses on the skills and knowledge acquired in PE 10 and requires students to complete both theory and physical activity components. Students must complete a minimum of 100 hours of physical activity, supervised by a coach, trainer, instructor, or teacher-sponsor. PE 11 is not open to students who have completed PE 10 online.
Planification 10
L’objectif de ce cours est d’aider les élèves à développer les compétences dont ils auront besoin pour devenir des individus indépendants qui peuvent se fixer des buts, prendre des décisions avisées, et faire les démarches pour atteindre leurs buts au cours de leur vie. Le programme inclue l’exploration et le développement de soi-même, la capacité à prendre de bonnes décisions professionnelles, pour la santé mentale, physique et devenir un citoyen impliqué. Les élèves vont aussi compléter un budget personnalisé et réfléchir à leur futur financier. De plus, ce cours introduit les élèves aux exigences de la Transition de Graduation, par exemple les élèves commenceront leur Portfolio et auront des opportunités de bénévolat pour commencer à accumuler leurs 30 heures d’expérience de travail et de service dans leur communauté.
Planning 10
Planning 10 allows students to develop the skills of long term planning and personal responsibility for their learning. Students follow a curriculum that includes elements of planning, health and personal development, and career development . Students also complete a organizer on personal financial literacy. This provides an introduction to major work that is part of their gradation program such as their Graduation Portfolio and a requirement that students participate in a minimum of 30 hours of work experience or community service.
Planning 12
This course is only available to adults pursuing the Adult Graduation Diploma (Adult Dogwood). Examples of topics studied include career exploration, resume writing, interpersonal relationships, healthy lifestyles, decision-making skills, and financial planning.