D2L Integration Survey D2L Integration survey Name(Required) First Last Email – if you wish a confirmation Organizational Unit(Required) DCC/Dial Brick and Mortar High School Visiting Teacher Other Which high school?(Required) Please list all the course you wish to have in D2L (if more than one section needed indicates this with a x2 or x3)(Required)Be as specific as possible – ie Math 11 is not enough information.Are there courses you wish to have ported from Moodle to D2L? If so copy and paste the URL when on the course main page to make it easy to findKeep in mind courses older than 2023 will no longer work as of June 30th due to LTI upgrades at WCLN. So if the course is old better to let in go. Test Email – if you wish a test student so you can add to courses and experiment – your alternative email is fine. Δ