Career Life Education Summer School registraion CLE Summer School For students taking Career Life in person at Summer School Student Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Are you currently taking or have previously registered for a a Delta Access course this school year?(Required) Yes No As you already have an existing account I will simply add your CLE course to this. No more steps needed. If you have forgot how to login email for a reset. Just press submitBy sure to follow the MBP instructions as well sent. You will need to create your Moodle account. Even if a Grade 9 this year you are now a grade 10 as of Saturday Jul 1st so choose your grade for September. Information will be sent to the student email upon registration so ensure all email addresses are correct. If the system will not accept your email then you have an account and should have answered yes to the previous question – Be sure to select Career Life EDUCATIONRegistration link – Be sure to follow MyBlueprint set up instructions sent to you as well . Δ